Favorites from this week


The list of this week's news reminds me of some of the mental struggles I had while in undergrad. With each new issue about which I learned  became passionate, I would start to think lesser of the issue before, and became confused. That somehow the women's shaming about abortion is somewhat of a miniscule problem compared to continued fight for marriage equality nationwide, which is then not as big of a deal as women being assaulted internationally. But what is important to remember is these works, these efforts toward equality and recognition and naming are all intertwined, all working with each other in some way. Because there is no penultimate problem that we should all be focused on: it really is each and every one of these issues that deserves attention, that needs our collective knowledge and work and love, and needs reminding that we are not yet equal, we are not yet safe, we are not yet free, until we all are....One Billion Rising - A film by Eve Ensler and Tony StroebelCheck out the website and join the One Billion Rising (OBR) campaign to dance, strike and rise on 14 February 2013. The excerpt below is from the email I received when I signed up for OBR. "But still today, the United Nations states that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime that's more than one billion women and girls alive today...V-Day wants the world to see our collective strength, showing them exactly what one billion looks like.ONE BILLION RISING is a promise that on February 14th, 2013, we will ensure that millions of women and men rise up around the world to say, "ENOUGH. The violence ends NOW."...California Improves on the Affordable Care Act by Letting RNs Dispense Birth Control - Ms.BlogThe coverage of this bill is great - it refers to the scope of practice of nurses, and names doctors and nurse practitioners both as providers of more complex visits. Plus, it talks about the factors that are super important to this discussion, like education and employment. And I'll say it again, RNs are so freaking cool. "...Gov. Jerry Brown has signed the Timely Access to Birth Control bill (AB 2348) into law, which uses an approach that, if fully implemented, can save the state a significant amount of money over the mid- to long-run. The law allows registered nurses to dispense hormonal contraceptives, including the pill. By allowing RNs to deliver such care–which is within their skills and training–doctors and nurse practitioners may be freed up to focus on more complex patient visits.  Thus, the law promises both to increase women’s access to reliable contraceptives and reduce the costs of delivering that care.Recent political discussions about access have typically not included discussion of increases in women’s education, employment and career continuity, all of which are attributable in part to the availability of highly reliable contraception. A new study by the Guttmacher Institute confirms that a majority of women report that contraception has had a significant impact on their lives by allowing them to take better care of themselves or their families (63 percent), support themselves financially (56 percent), complete their education or get or keep a job (50 percent)..."...Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Same Love featuring Mary LambertA beautiful video, starting with the simplicity of birth and family, and continuing with that theme. Visit the website for more information about Ref 74 and the work in Washington State to legalize marriage equality. ...I Had an Abortion... Or Maybe I Didn't - Leslie CannoldAn ethicist's analysis of the abortion conversation and the shame that some try to connect to that conversation. ...Interview with Jennifer Worth, author of The Midwife, from which the series "Call the Midwife" is based.If you are as in love with the series as I am, here is a background look into some of the original photos and words from the woman who lived the story.


National Health Service Corps (NHSC)


The Sunflowers - Mary Oliver