Birth RR

New FM Banner Today, I was ready.Ready for the sunset to provide all of the needed light in the room.Ready to cry with you, sweat with you, and kneel by your side to breathe with you.Ready to admit, truthfully, yours is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.Ready for you to inspire me, and ready to feed that back to you when you feel out of the power you radiated moments prior.Ready to be humbled before you, your work, your strength, your learning, and your teaching.Ready for there to be more love in one room than any of us have experienced before.Ready to feel my hands calmly covering the trembling new doctor's hands as they support your body and your baby.Ready to speak steadily and soothingly in the final moments, when the rush of hormones and contractions and movement might seem fast and scary.Ready to take care of you, as well as care for you.Ready to watch a new person take a first breath and a first look.Ready.Birth.


#TBT: Layers


ACNM 60th Meeting - Overwhelmed and loving it!