Birth OO

New FMI could tell that you did not want to be there.I could tell that you did not want anyone to be there.I introduced myself, asked if you were comfortable, and offered if there was anything I could do. You turned away from me, saw your family was there, and then turned the other way, away from all of us.I heard them talk down to you. I heard them belittle and patronize and make fun of your labor. I heard no respect, no kindness, and no love in their words, though maybe it was in there somewhere and I didn't understand. But maybe not. You continued to look away.I talked back, and really just talked out loud, encouraging you and reminding you of your strength. Even though I had just met you that morning, I reminded you that you deserved respect, and kindness, and love. I put that out there for you to hear. I hope you did.You did not call when you started pushing. I was with another woman in labor, and your baby's heartbeat called out, letting me know it was time.You were silent as he was born, only giving a sigh as he started crying.I offered him to you. You shook your head and turned away.I told you I was proud of you. I told you I was in awe of your strength. I told you I was honored to have cared for you. And that I was there for you if you needed me.Birth.


Famous Midwives: Part 4


Movie Monday: Sister Documentary