Birth NN

New FMHi, I'm Stephanie, and I'm the midwife today.I know, this labor is faster than you expected, and somehow it's already time, but I'm here with you and everything is okay.Your baby's heartbeat sounds perfect, she is incredibly happy, and she will be here very soon.You can do this. You already are, your body has already pushed her most of the way, just a little bit further to go.I see her head, you're doing beautifully. Move around however you need to, I'll follow your lead.Yes you can! You're doing it!Rest in between. Breathe slow, deep breaths.I'm here with you. You are so strong, this is your body at its strongest, and you at your most powerful. Keep going.I know, that is starting to feel differently, but you're doing an incredible job. Keep going, keep breathing, she's almost here!Perfect, perfect pushes. Keep listening to your body, push how and where you need to.That's it! Here she comes!Birth.


Famous Midwives: Part 3


Music Monday - Asa, Jailer