We reproductive justice bloggers are many

New FM

To blog in healthcare and reproductive justice is to open oneself to emotion, community, and a deeper understanding of our work and passion. It also opens the writer to critique, feedback (positive and negative), and tenuous anonymity given active roles of public service and activism. Bloggers in this field are brave, insightful, and speak to all of us in our work and paths forward - and I am thankful for all of us.I have been proud to participate in the community of reproductive health workers who blog, and am thrilled to share a list of my favorites below. I would love to hear who else you follow and with whom you find a shared reproductive justice model!

Student midwives

Notes from a Student Midwife

Up Close and Cervical

Queering Midwifery

New graduates

The Mindful Midwife

Soon to be Midwife

At Your Cervix

Midwives of the Revolution

Birth workers and feminists

Radical Doula

Nursing Clio

Evidence Based Birth

Birth Anarchy


Latina Feminista

Midwife Thinking

Science and Sensibility

Future Midwives

If you enjoy the writing on Feminist Midwife, please share with others! Encourage colleagues to sign up for emails at www.feministmidwife.com, follow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FeministMidwife, and follow on Twitter @FeministMidwife.

I am compiling a list of those of us for whom sharing our work and passion through blogging has created community and growth within our work - please let me know who should be added! 


Feminist Worker Profiles - Stephanie Routson


this moment