Schedule at ACNM Denver
Early Wednesday morning, I'll be arriving in Denver for the 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Nurse Midwives! It's my third in a row, and each meeting has brought not only new information, but new adventures, new ideas, and new friends. This is the first year that my time will be spent more at meetings than at educational sessions. It's an indication that I am becoming more involved in the College, which makes me excited for all that is to come! Here's how my schedule breaks down - hoping I see you at a meeting, a session, or in passing! I am also always interested in meeting other midwives, hearing your back story and where you're headed, and chatting about the struggles of practice to make each of us stronger. Please say hello!Note: At the Business Meeting on Thursday, I will be presenting a motion about new graduate representation at the College. Feel free to support in whatever way you see fit!(The sessions I would be attending, if I weren't in meetings, are toward the right. Hoping to find the recordings online after the conference so I can learn the latest and greatest!)