Birth HH

Taking two quick sips of my caffeine as I walked onto the floor and glanced at the board, I knew it would be a busy day. Introducing myself before letting her know I would be at board rounds, her facial expressions told me I'd be missing that morning's report. I settled in to figuring out her needs, since the vibe of the room seemed to be changing often given the shift change and a difficult labor so far.She had just about every intervention in the book that one can have during intrapartum: cytotec and pitocin induction, rupture of membranes, fetal scalp electrode and intrauterine pressure catheter, amnioinfusion, magnesium for increased blood pressures, epidural, blood sugar checks, and Attendings in and out of the room asking me whether I thought the baby was too big and was becoming stressed despite a classic Category 1 strip, completely oblivious to how it might feel to be a half-naked woman working her hardest and having people in and out of the room.Her partner at her side, very excited for another addition to the family. A beautiful baby slid out easily, covered in thick vernix and with eyes opening right away.Many more people came in and out to ask how big the baby was, leading the excited parents to feel worried and ask me if everything was okay. Reassured, and twisting the situation to tell them they are all so proud of her for her labor and beautiful baby, I tried to keep the feeling in the room excited and less clinically inquisitive. I congratulated the parents, said happy birthday to the lotion-y baby, and walked back to my caffeine and everything else the day would bring, with 11.5hrs left on the shift.Birth.


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