One Year of Feminist Midwife

FM 1 YearOne year ago today I started Feminist Midwife. It's a good feeling. It's been such an incredible release to write about the issues I am processing: one, as a new midwife grad, and, two, as a woman, as a person, in this world. Thank you to everyone who reads, comments, shares, likes, emails, messages, favorites, and shows love for this work. Mine is part of a larger effort of great people writing and sharing and seeking contemplation and growth and change.Top 5 posts since August 1, 2012:1. 14 things you never knew about the hymenal ring2. Unpacking the invisible knapsack of pregnancy privilege3. Things I wish I could have told my clients today4. Showers5. PelvimetryWhy will I keep going? In my very first post, I quoted my wise friend, who told me, "Right now, there is nothing more important than caring for women." And that continues to ring true in my heart and in my mind.Oh, and here are reasons just from the past month.Because feminism matters. Because women working at large companies still receive copies of "Seducing the Boys Club." Because a woman can report a sexual assault while standing in a courtroom and be arrested for it while a judge watches. Because Robin Thicke thinks his song "Blurred Lines" is a feminist movement in itself. Because some people need a list of 101 ways to be an ally to women. Because there's still a question of gender-driven hires when a woman is considered for a top position. Because a woman in a burka as a superhero fighting for education is controversial.Because midwifery matters. Because we are working and growing in number. Because the world needs more of us, everywhere. Because midwives in war zones are the epitome of 'with woman'. Because the maternity system is failing us all. Because somehow it's shocking that even royals use midwives and have natural labor and breastfeed. Because breastfeeding in public still needs a defense. Because we still need maps to show where pregnancy laws are the best and worst. Because awesome organizations likes LA's Autonomous Communities for Reproductive and Abortion Support are few and far between.Because I am a feminist midwife and I love every minute of it. Because I have more draft posts in my mind than I can count. What's coming your way, as soon as I can find the time? Retroverted uteruses, evidence-basis for midwives, pre-sex counseling, feminizing menses, consensual care, more feminist midwife bags, giveaways, book reviews, and connections with the greater community of feminists and midwives and people we should all know and to whom we should be paying attention. Boom.Thank you for following.Also, many thanks for my partner and best friend, whose contributions to my work are innumerable, including this website. And to my closest friends, who provide nothing but love and kindness and telephone calls and messages and constructive criticism and intellectual commentary. And cross-stitched uteruses and inspirational cards. Here's to another year!IMG_2588


this moment


Birth Y