Birth T

Her epidural only worked on the right side, and her left side was in agony. Despite positional changes and a bolus, she was feeling everything she had specifically wanted not to feel.That day had already included two crash cesarean sections, and I was trying to keep this room quiet and without any reason to have someone be alarmed on the outside. A few decels when her water broke quickly resolved, and she was rapidly progressing, which did not help her recovery time between contractions.The mom's best friend was a riot, providing great distraction and relief to everyone, especially the mother. Laughing in-between pushing and forgetting about the epidural, the baby was on its way. Born after a few pushes, and with a nurse whose recent research project was on the benefits of immediate skin-to-skin, everything was as it should be.She reached down to touch her baby, and was surprised at the roominess she felt in her own body. "I don't have a belly anymore! I have a baby!"Birth.


Tribute to Wendy Davis and her filibuster


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