Are you a feminist new to Feminist Midwife? These are for you!
Aren't feminists the coolest? I think so. Here's a recap of the most popular feminist posts on Feminist Midwife for all the new feminist readers. Thanks for following, sharing, and commenting, y'all!
Recap of the Most Popular Feminist-Related Posts
Kegels: Coochie CrossfitStrumpets, pumps, and provider discretion in contraception provisionAdolescents and IUDsStreet Harassment, LatelyCatcalling. Cat-calling.Is there anything funnier than women and mothers? Bitch Bad, Woman Good, Lady BetterSpectrum of sexual assault in the media, latelyViolence against women, latelyLegitimacy (Parts I, II, and III)Sign up at the top right of any Feminist Midwife webpage to receive email updates with each new post! Thanks for following!