The Mama Sherpas documentary: Join me in donating $10 to advertise midwifery care!

Do you have $10 to spare to advertise midwifery care? I was fortunate enough to meet Brigid at last week's ACNM Annual Conference. This documentary they are working on will raise awareness around types of midwifery care in the United States. Below is an email campaign they are sending around. If each one of my readers sent $10, they'd absolutely reach their goal by tomorrow. I just donated: would love for you to join me! 
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SEND US TO SUTTER DAVIS HOSPITAL!We Need Your Support!  Let's Raise $7,500 by Monday, June 10, 2013!

Help us reach our first benchmark of $7,500 and send us to film at Sutter Davis Hospital! We have raised over $3,000 in the first week, but we have $27,000 to go.  Please help us make our first fundraising benchmark and reach $7,500 by June 10.  By contributing to The Mama Sherpas Indiegogo campaign this week, we'll be able to pay for our filming and travel to Sutter Davis Hospital, which has the lowest C-section rate in California.  Their mother-centered focus means water tubs in every room for EVERYONE, whether a mom has insurance or not!Sutter Davis Hospital is a mother-centered model that needs to be shared with the rest of the country.  Help us tell their story!  Please click on this link and donateshare and spread the word about our current Indiegogo Fundraising campaign to your friends, family and colleagues.  We are counting on your help!What we can film in one week!Just in the last week, we interviewed Midwife Ina May Gaskin at the American College of Nurse Midwives' Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN.  We filmed midwives from Baystate Midwifery and Health practice who demonstrated the breadth of their research-based practice.  In Washington, D.C., we filmed our current participant, Kathryn, who is due on June 14 and preparing for the birth of her second child.  We also filmed midwife-doctor collaboration at Inova Alexandria Hospital.  All this in one week you ask?  You bet!  Don't you want to donate and spread the word so we can film midwives at Sutter Davis Hospital We just need to raise $7,500 by June 10!Do you want a sneak peek?Check out this sneak peak of our interview with Midwife Ina May Gaskin.  Have you watched our new teaser-trailer?  We will also be featuring new sneak peeks once a month while we film.


Sneak Peak with Ina May Gaskin:

Are you asking yourself, how can I help? Copy and paste the below information and send to your friends and colleagues with a personal message about why seeing our film is important. That's what we're doing! But, we can't do it alone, we need your help!  $10 donations make an impact!  We have raised over $3,700 so far with 60 donors!
Draft email to send to friends to encourage them to donate! 

We’re asking midwives from around the country to come together in support of The Mama Sherpas.

The Mama Sherpas is a feature-length documentary film currently in production on collaborative maternity care.  The film’s director, Brigid Maher, achieved a VBAC thanks to the loving and skilled hands of a midwife.  Also a tenured professor at American University in Washington, D.C., and director of the documentary  "Veiled Voices", Brigid was inspired by her personal experience to make a film that would help to increase awareness about choices in maternity care.

The Mama Sherpas is a film about women receiving their maternity care through midwife-doctor collaborative teams.  The film follows nurse midwives, the doctors they work with, and their patients over the course of two years and provides an investigative lens into how midwives work within the hospital system.  It’s just one part of a broader story of how the midwifery model of care – inherently woman-centered – improves outcomes for mothers and babies.

Just in the last week, we interviewed Midwife Ina May Gaskin at the American College of Nurse Midwives' Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN.  We filmed midwives from Baystate Midwifery and Health practice in Massachusetts who demonstrated the breadth of their research-based practice and...

We launched an Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign which aims to raise $30,000 by July 8th!

We’re offering prizes to every midwifery practice that helps us to raise $300.00 in one week by referring friends of midwives, patients, and others to contribute to our Indiegogo campaign.  Your practice can win:

  • A special thanks in the film credits

  • A listing on the upcoming Resource page on The Mama Sherpas website (This will be a resource for those seeking a midwife; practices will be listed by location.)  We can include a link to your website.

  • Grand Prize:  Each midwife in the practice that helps to raise the most money will also receive a:  Super Midwife Pendant and Mama Sherpas T-shirt

By contributing to The Mama Sherpas Indiegogo campaign this week, and helping to spread the word about the film, we'll be able to pay for our filming and travel to Sutter Davis Hospital, which has the lowest C-section rate in California.  Their mother-centered focus means water tubs in every room for EVERYONE, whether a mom has insurance or not!

Here’s a link to the Indiegogo Campaign:

Please show your support for this documentary that will increase awareness about the amazing work that midwives do!   Send an email or call me at your convenience to enroll your practice.



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