Feminist Midwife SwagBag Giveaway - Friday!

Congratulations to Alicia O'Dell for winning the Thursday giveaway! This week, to ramp up to the American College of Nurse-Midwives Annual Meeting next week, I am giving away one bag per day. Here is today's giveaway! And then (most of) the rest will be headed with me to Nashville!20130524-072506.jpgToday - This one (actually, these five!) go out to all the midwives! I want to know how many babies have been caught in the hands of the midwives out there. I have five numbers in my head (low and high), so comment on the blog/Facebook/Twitter with your birth number. The five respondents closest to the numbers I chose will each win a bag. No number is too low or too high - be proud of your path!Winners will be chosen after midnight CT-US of the day of the giveaway, and will be contacted the following morning. Good luck!


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