Birth F

She went to work this morning, term, feeling crampy. Eventually she asked one of the providers in her office to check her cervix, and then sent over to the hospital in early active labor. While she is pleading for an epidural and huffing during contractions, I try to be calming and soothing. I know her, and hope that perhaps she also finds that calming. In-between a contraction, her cervix is a surprising 9cm.The father of the baby is with her but to the side because she continues to push him away, needing some area of space that cannot be defined in that moment. I follow suit. Her eyes roll in the back of her head with the contractions, and she is silent. At the break of each contraction she looks into the distance and asks for ice. Contraction, eyes closed, ice. Contraction, eyes closed, ice.Rapidly the baby is born, and parents find themselves together, no space needed between them and the baby. At the time feeling too fast, and suddenly time slowing down to its perfect pace.Birth.


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