FeministMidwife Playlists

During my midwifery education, it was tradition that each year's new class would be welcomed by upper classwomen with a binder of historical documents, poetry and literature, and a mixed CD. I was really into mixed tapes when those were, you know, a thing, and I've always been a big fan of sharing music, moments, emotions, and communications via music. These sharable Rdio playlists are a really wonderful way to share some of my favorite music about women and mothers, from my favs from those cherished midwife CDs, to music I was raised with, to some great new artists shared by friends. Enjoy! (Note: some explicit music is included, content and language possibly not suitable for all audiences).Please share your favorite pro-woman music in the comments below! I'll gladly make a 'feministmidwife readers playlist' on Rdio to share! 


Catcalling. Cat-calling.


It's Ladies' Night